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* Some locations require a minimum stay of 30 days

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An exciting new division of Extended Stay Properties, Inc.


NOTE: The photos on this website are a sampling of what you might expect in our fully appointed units, including a full kitchen and queen bed(s).

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We provide a one stop Spotlight for the traveling public  to search for accommodations with surrounding business as well as things to do and see.

Users don't search popular search engines to find us, they come directly to us first!

Since ExtendedStayProperties.com is an easy to remember web site that relates directly to traveling and lodging, we experience an exceptional number of visitors to our site daily.

When they visit our site, they tend to stay (an average of 5-20 minutes) and visitors come back regularly to check on Internet Specials, and everything else our site has to offer.

Our traffic is measured through services like Google Analytics.

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